Behind the Yellow Tape: The Intricacies of Crime Scene Cleaning

24 August 2023
 Categories: , Blog


Crime scene cleaning is a profession that many people don't think about until they need it. It's the critical process that occurs once investigators have gathered all necessary evidence from a crime scene and before normalcy can be restored to the affected area. This job is not for the faint-hearted, as it involves dealing with potentially dangerous substances and emotionally charged situations. This article will delve into what exactly goes into crime scene cleaning.

Initial Assessment

The first step in crime scene cleaning is an initial assessment. This involves a professional cleaner visiting the site to determine the extent of the cleanup needed. They'll identify any biological hazards such as blood or other bodily fluids, chemical hazards like tear gas residue, and physical hazards such as broken glass.

Safety Measures

Safety is paramount in crime scene cleaning. Professionals must wear personal protective equipment (PPE), including gloves, masks, and hazmat suits, to protect themselves from bloodborne pathogens and other hazards. They must also follow strict procedures to avoid cross-contamination, such as setting up a containment area and using specific tools for different tasks.

Cleanup and Sanitization

Once safety measures are in place, the actual cleanup begins. This involves removing any physical debris, followed by the meticulous task of cleaning up any biological material. This could involve scrubbing walls, floors, and furniture, or even removing sections of carpet or drywall that have been contaminated.

After the visible signs of the incident have been removed, cleaners use specialized chemicals to sanitize the area and eliminate microscopic biohazards. This step is crucial for preventing the spread of diseases and ensuring the area is safe for future use.

Odor Removal

A significant aspect of crime scene cleaning that people may not consider is odor removal. The smell associated with a crime scene can be strong and pervasive, lingering long after the visible signs have been cleaned up. Professional cleaners use industrial-strength deodorizers and ozone machines to neutralize these odors and restore the area to a livable condition.


The final step in the process is restoration. This could involve repainting walls, replacing flooring, or repairing any structural damage that occurred during the incident or the cleanup process. The goal is to restore the area to its original condition as much as possible, helping those affected by the crime to move forward.

Emotional Considerations

Beyond the physical aspects of the job, crime scene cleaners must also navigate the emotional implications of their work. They often interact with individuals who are grieving or in shock, requiring them to approach their jobs with sensitivity and compassion. Many professionals in this field consider their ability to help people during a difficult time to be one of the most rewarding aspects of their job.

Crime scene cleaning is a complex and demanding process, requiring a blend of technical skills, physical endurance, and emotional resilience.