Understanding The Dangers Of Mold

26 August 2015
 Categories: , Blog


If you have mold in your house, then you might have a much more serious problem than you imagine.

What is mold?

If you have mold in your home, then you are actually hosting a fungal colony. Fungi share some attributes with animals and plants, but they also have unique qualities. Like animals, fungi eat other organisms. Generally, this means breaking down and consuming decaying organic material, as a scavenger might do. Like plants, fungi can't move under their own power and instead spread via spores, which are somewhat similar to seeds.

What conditions are necessary for mold to grow?

Unless your home is full of decaying organic matter, then moisture is a likely culprit for any mold. If you have a leaky pipe, a hole in your roof or wall, some flaw in your ventilation, or conditions that are conducive to condensation, then mold can grow pretty easily. Of course, if your house was recently flooded, then you'll need to be extra vigilant about the spread of mold.

On the other hand, mold cannot grow in cold, wet environments. They need a significant amount of heat to thrive. Some species of mold will be killed by cold, while others might just go into a sort of dormant hibernation state. When conditions become warmer, the mold might resume its expansion.

However, ultraviolet light actually hurts mold quite a bit, Therefore, mold will try to avoid sunlight. This is the main reason that mold often grows in dark corners. Unfortunately, this also means that it can be very difficult to find certain mold colonies.

This ultimately means that you should check warm, dark, damp areas of your house for mold if you have any suspicions. Areas by your heater or hot water plumbing lines can be particularly problematic, as can the area around showers and under sinks.

Why does mold matter?

Mold is obviously pretty disgusting to look at, but that is not the worst thing about mold. Some types of mold release reproductive spores that are incredibly harmful to humans. For individuals with asthma and other respiratory conditions, inhaling spores can be extremely dangerous. If you can smell the presence of mold, then you should make its location and elimination your top priority. If you smell mold, that means that some spores are in your nose already. By leaving the problem alone, it can continue to grow and become an even greater health hazard.

Contact a local mold removal expert for more help.